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Search Tokens

Search for tokens using a Lucene-based query syntax. Use this endpoint to perform an advanced token search using token data or to build complex searches combining multiple terms with boolean operators. For simpler search use cases, see List Tokens.





curl "" \
-H "BT-API-KEY: key_N88mVGsp3sCXkykyN2EFED" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X "POST" \
-d '{
"query": "data:6789 AND type:social_security_number",
"page": 1,
"size": 20

Request Parameters

queryfalsestringnullA query string using Lucene query syntax.
pagefalseinteger1Page number of the results to return.
sizefalseinteger20Number of results per page to return. Maximum size of 100 results.


Returns a paginated object with the data property containing an array of tokens. Token data will be returned according to the transform applied to the requesting Application's Access Controls. Returns an error if tokens could not be retrieved or when an invalid query is submitted.

Token data will be returned in search results according to the transform applied within the requesting Application's Access Controls.

"pagination": {...},
"data": [
"id": "c06d0789-0a38-40be-b7cc-c28a718f76f1",
"type": "social_security_number",
"tenant_id": "77cb0024-123e-41a8-8ff8-a3d5a0fa8a08",
"data": "XXX-XX-6789",
"fingerprint": "AKCUXS83DokKo4pDRKSAy4d42t9i8dcP1X2jijwEBCQH",
"containers": ["/pii/high/"],
"metadata": {
"nonSensitiveField": "Non-Sensitive Value"
"search_indexes": [
"{{ data }}",
"{{ data | replace: '-' }}",
"{{ data | last4 }}"
"fingerprint_expression": "{{ data }}",
"created_by": "fb124bba-f90d-45f0-9a59-5edca27b3b4a",
"created_at": "2021-03-01T08:23:14+00:00"

Query Syntax

Token search supports a Lucene-based query syntax to build complex search criteria. A query string is comprised of one or more Terms that can be combined with the AND and OR Operators.

Search terms are formed by combining a field name and a value to search with a : - field:value. See the Searchable Token Fields table below for a complete list of supported fields. For example, to search for tokens having a type of card_number, query for:


Token data may be searched on some token types, by performing a case-insensitive exact match to one of several indexed data patterns. As an example, the following query will search for tokens containing the data 123-45-6789:


For more detailed information about supported data searches, see Searching Data.

Phrases or values containing spaces may be searched by wrapping the searched value in quotes, for example:

  data:"data containing multiple words"

Metadata search terms require both a key and value to be specified in the form of metadata.key:value. Metadata will be searched for a case-insensitive, exact match. For example, to search for tokens having the metadata { customer_id: "123456" }, query for:


Container search terms support both exact and wildcard matches. An exact container search will only return tokens in the searched container and will not include tokens in parent or child containers. For example, to return only tokens in the /customer-123/pii/ container, you can query:


Wildcard container searches can be used to match on all tokens within a container or its sub-containers. The wildcard character * can only appear at the end of a container search term. For example, to return all tokens for customer-123 which may be partitioned into sub-containers /customer-123/pii/ or /customer-123/general/, you can query:


Date range searches are supported using the Lucene bracketed range syntax. [START_DATE TO END_DATE] denotes an inclusive range and {START_DATE TO END_DATE} denotes an exclusive range. Values are formatted as a string in ISO 8601 format and can either represent a date or date and time in UTC. For example, to search for tokens that were created in the year 2021, you can query:

  created_at:[2021-01-01 TO 2021-12-31T23:59:59Z]

To search a range without a start or end date, use the wildcard * in place of the start or end date, for example:

  created_at:{* TO 2022-01-01}

Multiple terms may be combined using the AND, OR and NOT operators (case sensitive) and grouped using parentheses. The NOT operator could be interchanged with the ! or - symbols. For example:

  (type:social_security_number AND !metadata.user_id:1234) OR data:111-11-1111
The supported Lucene syntax is currently limited to the operations documented above, and not all standard Lucene syntax is supported. If you would like to have support for any additional Lucene features, please let us know.

Searchable Token Fields

typestringThe token type.type:card_number
datastringToken data. See Searching Data for supported
fingerprintstringToken's content unique identifier.fingerprint:fe24d4cc-de50-4d8c-8da7-8c7483ba21bf
containerstringSearches across a token's containers.container:"/pci/high/"
metadata.[key]stringSearch against token metadata having the given [key].metadata.user_id:34445
created_bystringApplication ID which created the token.created_by:fe24d4cc-de50-4d8c-8da7-8c7483ba21bf
created_atdateThe date or date and time a token was created in ISO 8601 format.created_at:[2020-01-01 TO 2020-01-28]
modified_bystringApplication ID which last modified the token.modified_by:fe24d4cc-de50-4d8c-8da7-8c7483ba21bf
modified_atdateThe last date or date and time a token was modified in ISO 8601 format.modified_at:[2020-01-01 TO 2020-01-28]

Searching Data

Basis Theory currently supports data searches on social_security_number, employer_id_number and token token types. When creating tokens of these types, Basis Theory will securely index several data patterns to enable searching on these values based on the search_indexes provided in the Create Token Request or Tokenize Request.

If search_indexes are not provided when creating a token, then social_security_number and employer_id_number will have the following default search indexes:

  • {{ data }} which results in the input value being indexed, eg. 123-45-6789
  • {{ data | remove: '-'}} which results in the value without delimiters, eg. 123456789
  • {{ data | last4 }} which results in the last 4 digits of the value, eg. 6789

For generic tokens (type token), default indexes are not applied, and you are free to specify any desired indexes within the search_indexes property during token creation. The search_indexes property supports the use of expressions, which are based on the Liquid templating language. Each expression must result in a single value, which cannot be null or empty, otherwise a 400 error will be returned.

Any expressions contained within search_indexes will be evaluated against the token data before generating indexes. Token data searches will only return a token if there is an exact match on one of the evaluated search_indexes; full wildcard search is not currently supported.

For example, to search for a social_security_number token with the value 123-45-6789, you may search for:

  data:123-45-6789 AND type:social_security_number

To search for all social_security_number tokens with the last 4 digits of 6789, you may search for:

  data:6789 AND type:social_security_number

Note that the results returned by this query may not be unique if you have stored multiple social_security_number tokens ending with the same 4 digits.